People of the Philippines..
Do you want to know how much a 911 call costs in the U.S.? This is how much it is. From
MY ACTUAL bill, $3,303.
But in MY CITY, Davao City... 911 Services are FREE... YESSSSS FREE!!! FREE FREE! That's because our Mayor set capitalism ASIDE for the mean time to prioritize the Health and Safety of HIS PEOPLE.
So STOP bashing our Mayor, YOu CANNOT even RELATE about things like this because YOU DON'T EVEN HAVE a 911 system! HAHAHA (PITY right?) Davao city is the only place other than Canada and USA who's got this system. HAHAHA so Stop it.
Don't get me wrong, I'm a businesswoman my self and I'm not an all out socialist, but I believe education and health care should be balanced out so things like this... hospital bills and tuition fees won't burden an average Filipino.
Maybe when Philippines WILL BECOME GREAT AGAIN.... with a developed and robust economy, maybe we can all easily set up a commercialized health care insurance system. BUT FOR NOW...
WE can't do that.:. The citizens are not equipped to do so.... Let's build this country first before we emulate developed economies.
By Mae Canete Herrero Dodge
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