I wonder how could Sen. Trillanes accused a simple man like Mayor Duterte. He is accusing him of having a hidden wealth of P211M from his SALN, having 41 properties and Mar Roxas added that he has a dollar account! Oh my God this is really alarming if these were all true!
If we assume that these allegations were all true, why is Mayor Duterte living in a small 2 storey residential house in Matina? Why does he allow to eat in “cowboy style” (eating in a simple dining area or carenderia)? Why not put his children to a prestigious school like Harvard? Or bring his stage 4 cancered wife to a very good hospital in US? Living for more than 22 years of pretending as a poor man to Dabawenyos?? How crazy he can be if these allegations were all true!
If I will use my logical reasoning, me as a human being, I would use my money to give me much comfort in life and not just store my P2.4B or P211M money in the bank and let it rot while I am pretending as a poor man to the people of Davao! Do you think how stupid Mayor he can be if these allegations were true? But I would rather think on another way around which is much possible to believe that they were so desperate of putting a good man down that they not might be charged of corrupting the Yolanda funds and the SALN which is in fact those were the people’s money!
Well, this made me conclude that you are just putting a mirror to your self that tells us who you really are. And against all these odds, goodness will now prevail and the time has now come to take back what you have robbed from the people of the Philippines.